Saturday, October 25, 2014

2014 Texas State Capitol Ornament

The 2014 Texas State Capitol Ornament. This is an ornament that our company worked on. It was chosen out of at least 9 designs proposed. This one in particular was a design that I had worked up during the presentation phase. As with most ornaments we do at Design Masters, once a design is chosen, it is truly a team effort to bring the end product to life. The ornament really is stunning and the packaging just sets it off. At the top of this post is a rendering I did for how the end ornament would look. This is done with my "patented" bling action, additional digital illustration, and doowahs. The next image is a photo of the final lid. The interplay from the multiple foils really looks great. Below the lid is a movie of the ornament based on my very first rough rendering. I was toying with a new 3D program and wanted to see if I could build an ornament inside it. Since I was working on this ornament I used it as a test. It definitely took some time to do with the learning curve, but I was happy with the end result. Building in 3D is something I really would like to delve more into and whenever I can add a new skill, I take the chance. Overall this was a challenging and fun project to work on.  

Stop on by their gift shop and pick on up.    Texas State Capitol 2014 Ornament

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