Thursday, March 20, 2008

Barry Sanders Detriot Tigers Illustration

Posting some older work. This was one of my last really super detailed paintings. Barry Sanders. Did this one right before he retired. Exciting to watch his skillful running. Sometimes I look back at it and wonder why I spent so much time in details. Updated this post 1/14/12 to post a closer up shot of the detail and texture of the board.


  1. ... Because it looks f*ckin awesome, that's why. Killer, Keith. Your work always blows my mind. How large is the original? The background looks like it might be pencil, is the whole thing pencil? Or a mix? Too many questions. Sorry.

    Post more, man. I bet you could make a pretty awesome sketch during a lunch hour.

  2. Yeah lunch hour. . . See how long it took me to get back to this? I don't know how you find the time.

    As for the questions. It was a little bit of everything. Acrylic, Colored Pencil, Pencil, Gouache and matte medium. It was sort of a combination of several techniques I learned in college. Good results but very time consuming.
