Thursday, January 5, 2012

Colonial Williamsburg Lenticular Concept

This concept was for a Motion Lenticular project. I am going to put an animated gif since some people cannot see the video on their mobile devices. We ended up not using this version, but I chose to show it, as I felt it was pretty successful. The reason the top version was not used, was that the wrong group was shown. The official Fife and Drum Corps was replaced in the scene and we used that version for the final. I actually got to go down and take pictures of the Fife and Drum Corps in full dress rehearsal. This version is shown below the top version. Notice the difference in Costume and Movement. The official Fife and Drum Corps does not do the high leg lift. For those in animation this would be a cakewalk. Most of us here though were not animators and have developed a sort of animation-lite approach to making art for Lenticular items. One of the great things about working with a bunch of other talented people is being able to learn from them as well as use techniques and art they have created. In this case, I was able to grab a sequence of fireworks made by Steve Hannah. The rest was a combination of found imagery, digital retouching and some digital illustration. Our company has put out some awesome Lenticular products. Fun jobs to work on. Click on each image to see the animated version.
*NOTE* I just realized that in some cases mobile browsers are not supporting animated gifs. In that case if you would like to see them, after you click on the image you can then save it to your phone. Once opened in the gallery or image viewer it should animate.

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